The Secrets Of The Bilderberg Club Pdf
What Is Bilderberg? Globalink Power Translator Windows 7. Bilderberg: Its Long & Secret History. Jump Superstars English Patch. The Bilderberg Club: A secret society of the richest and most influential people conspiring to achieve a world government. On Sunday, 31 May 2009.
Top 10 secret societies, think tanks, exclusive clubs, policy-planning groups and fraternities that every conspiracy theorist should be familiar with and some facts behind them. Annual meeting of around 130 North-Atlantic elites from the fields of energy, finance, government, intelligence, academia and the media.
Official site: Famous Attendees: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Murdoch, Jean-Claude Trichet (EU Bank President), Mervyn King (Bank of England), Edmond de Rothschild, Robert Oppenheimer, Robert McNamara, Henry Ford II (wiki) 2012 list of US participants on Infographic showing how members of the Bilderberg are. With 65 to 70 regular members, the Bilderberg Group is the most exclusive group on this list. The group came to be identified with the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland where the group first met in 1954. The ultra secret group was founded by Denis Healey, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (of the infamous Lockheed scandal in which he took kickbacks selling exploding planes).
From the get-go the Bilderbergers sought to develop a strategy and create European consensus for a European Common Market. They were behind the Amsterdam Treaty, the Treaty of Maastricht, the Treaty of Rome, and finally the European Constitution.
Revealed that Bilderbergers had discussed the creation of a United European with its own currency. They are also working on merging Canada, United states and Mexico into a North American Union. The Bilderberg discussed improving business relations and extending IMF loans to China before Nixon’s famous 1972 visit. At the Bilderberg meeting of 1991, David Rockefeller told then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton to support NAFTA.