Generic Osx86 Install Dvd Patcher
Some things you must consider after installing this extension: This extension has been tested with only a few hardware configurations at the moment, so it is HIGHLY possible that it will not work with your actual nVidia board. This will give you some 2D acceleration, and you will be using your total video memory, so it will improve things a lot regarding video playback and general UI experience (just if it works for you). If this one just doesn’t work for you, simply wait for the next version 🙂. The relevant kext information included/not included in this patcher, bender notes this in the Installation but it’s repeated here for clarity: 'Extensions that were taken from the Darwin 8 CD that are installed: AppleAC97Audio.kext (And all PlugIns) ApplePS2Controller.kext (And all PlugIns) AppleGenericPCATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext) AppleOnboardPCATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext) AppleVIAATA.kext (Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext) AppleIntelPIIXATA. Game Lord Rings Battle Middle Earth. kext – Just the Info.plist from Darwin.
(Gets put under IOATAFamily.kext) This package also moves known bad extensions that are causing issues to: /System/Library/Extensions.disabled These include: ATI* (All of the ATI drivers – they don’t work) NVDA* (All of the Nvidia Drivers – they don’t work) GeForce* (More Nvidia drivers) AppleFPMemDriver.kext – Seems to lock up USB Mouse/Keyboard If you want to put these back after install, just drag them into /System/Library/Extensions'. Generic OSx86 Install DVD Patcher v.3 (aka 'test3) DISCLAIMER #1: THIS IS A TEST RELEASE and we’re looking for feedback on as many different machines as possible to work out any kinks or issues that may pop up.