Silent Hunter 3 Merchant Fleet Mod
Silent Hunter III Community Modifications --------------------------------------------- Please bear in mind that these are not official Ubisoft partners and we do not endorse their mods, any changes you make to your game installation, using these mods or otherwise, could render your installation useless. If you install any file from these links you do so at your own risk. If you think your mod’s good enough then send it in to and it’ll be hosted shortly afterwards. Please include your name, details about the mod, and anything else relevant.
It has its roots back in the early days of Silent Hunter 3. Merchant_Fleet_Mod_3.2 Version 3.2 (improved ships removed to prevent crashes with supermods. Silent Hunter III mod TBD. 2 (SBM2) is a stand-alone total conversion for Silent Hunter III. Of 3rd party units including IABL's Merchant Fleet.
If your mod is larger than 5Mb please email us first so we can arrange hosting. If you have any feedback/comments/problems with these mods, please feel free to come along to our.
Name Description File size Author Download link MerchantMod part 2 *NEW* Part two of the *MerchantMod* series. A series of mods for all cargo vessels in Silent Hunter III.
This second part features new hi-res textures for the C2 cargo ship. 2.49Mb Juju MarchantMod part 3 *NEW* Part three of the *MerchantMod* series. A series of mods for all cargo vessels in Silent Hunter III.
This third part features new hi-res textures for the C3 cargo ship. 2. Jogos Para Pc Gratis Pinball more. Installer Iaktos V7. 49Mb Juju MilitaryMod part 1 *NEW* Part one of the *MilitaryMod* series. A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III. This first part features only textures that are shared by ALL military ship models, be they Allied or Axis. Subsequent releases in this series will feature the actual warships. 319Kb Juju MilitaryMod part 2 *NEW* Part two of the *MilitaryMod* series.
A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III. This second part features the (for 99% made from scratch and as historically accurate as the 3D model permits) Fletcher class Destroyer. 1.88Mb Juju MilitaryMod part 3 *NEW* Part three of the *MilitaryMod* series.
A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III. This third part features the Elco Torpedo boat. Made entirely from scratch and as historically acccurate as the model permits which, sadly, isn't that much. 1.53Mb Juju MilitaryMod part 4 *NEW* Part four of the *MilitaryMod* series. A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III.
This fourth part features the Flower Corvette. Made entirely from scratch and as historically acccurate as the model permits. 1.83Mb Juju MilitaryMod part 5 *NEW* Part five of the *MilitaryMod* series. A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III. This fifth part features the V&W destroyer. Mostly done from scratch and at least semi-historically acccurate. 1.93Mb Juju MilitaryMod part 6 *NEW* Part six of the *MilitaryMod* series.
A series of mods for all military vessels (subs excluded) in Silent Hunter III. This sixth part features the Clemson destroyer. Mostly done from scratch and at least semi-historically acccurate. 1.97Mb Juju FlagMod *NEW* All new Hi-res flag textures for Silent Hunter III. 518Kb Juju Internal Life Mod This Mod replaces the in-game amb_SubmarineInterior.wav with a new extended sound file. The track is approx 4 minutes in length and loops seemlessly.
The aim of the mod is to add to the immersion of the sim by including human occupation sounds to the the subs interior ambience. 12Mb KptnLtKarle Real U-Boat Mod This mod fixes a number of inconsistencies in Silent Hunter III. The changes more accurately reflect the available historical data concerning U-Boat activities in WW2. The eventual goal of the patch is to accurately recreate all aspects of the U-Boat war between 1939 and 1945. 42Mb Beery King George IV skin A new skin for the King George IV. 1Mb Paul Tree Mod Changes trees and some terrain.
A little backstory. About a week ago, Janet started talking about this game Silent Hunter III, and she made for it. It's a pretty cool game. I've just gotten into it, as other people have, and I want to talk about it.
And there's no reason to stuff up Janet's thread, so here we go. The Silent Hunter series are simulationist videogames where you get to captain a submarine in great detail, and SH3 makes you Kapitan of an Unterseeboot in the Kriegsmarine. The well-armed and ever vigilant warships and airplanes of the Allied Nations are your second greatest danger. Sbk 09 Superbike World Championship Game. The first is your horribly inefficient and underwhelming 1939-model U-boat and technology within it. It can be a very painful game.
Among its good points: The immersion is great, and made greater by mods; you really feel like you're in the boat. The attention to detail is almost perfect (there are problems). And the gameplay consists of two principle activities - blowing up unarmed merchants, and running for your life from things can easily kill you - which makes it rather satisfying when you're not actually dead. Among its bad points: Sailing is the fine and ancient art of get soaking wet and deathly ill while very slowly going nowhere at great expense, and SH3 models the mind-numbing tedium of repeatedly crossing the North Sea in a floating can very accurately. You spend most of your gameplay mashing the time-compression button waiting for something to happen. The load times (especially with mods) don't help. On a different note, the attention to historical detail, namely the incredibly unreliable triggers on torpedoes and paper-thin hulls of the U-boats, will make learning to play the game an exercise in frustration.