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Season 7 - Off the Stretcher tv sitcom episodes guide - comedy series ranking (top tv comedy series, radio and movie series) - on Comedy Series Info.
Created by Krzysztof Jaroszynski, the successful comic writer, got mixed reactions - many viewers were put off by the whole outlook of the show, but some even voted for it in comedy awards. Comparing to other Jaroszynki series this one puts the emphasis on really, really lowbrow humour lacking any sign of wit or subtleness. Despite completing rather promising cast the series is really poor in any way - poorly wrtitten, poorly acted and poorly directed.
There were really seldom times when script was raising above the absolute bottom, but it was often ruined by horrible acting or really cheap producion. Rating 2.4 Funny 2 / 10 Entertaining 2 / 5 Characters 1 / 5 Nonrepetitive 1 / 5. Homelite String Trimmer User Manual.