Fs Commander Serial Number
Your search for Fscommander 9.6 Serial Number found zero results, you might want to look at the search tips below for better results. Fscommander 9.6 Serial Serial Number Your search found over 200 related downloads, here is just a sample of them. FS X, FS2004(FS9) or Prepar3D (Version) 2. FSUIPC* / WideFS which version used ('l atest version' is not sufficient) 3. I use the FSC in a network! FS Commander and Database Manager which version / revision and build used 5. Which provider and period of the AIRAC Cycle 6. Aerosoft boxed or download version or download version from our website 7.
Dear Sirs, I am opening this ticket as I cannot register FSC 9.6-8. Serial Daleko Od Noszy Obsada. The situation is the following: I am running FSX & FSC on a Win7-Ultimate x64 OS, my previous FSC version was 9.6-4 and when all was OK it correctly registered during installation.
A few days ago I noticed the availability of version 9.6-8, went to the aeroshop e-commerce site where I did the purchase, logged in and downloaded the full 9.6-8 package. I fully uninistalled version 9.6-4 and installed from scratch version 9.6-8. When asked I entered my email and the long serial number I received upon purchasing the package.
The registration was OK as per the pop-up screen I saw. On terminating the installation I ran the dbManager and noticed a message “Unregistered Version AS2” in the lower part of the screen. Yet, the dbManager did its job but when I launched FSC the Unregistered Version AS2” message appeared in the splash screen. When I tried to register manually from the menu I was asked my name, email address and a keycode. I entered the serial number but the registration failed then showing a four-field keycode line with meaningless numbers inside. I spent all the day yesterday trying to uninstall, reinstall, clean the folders, try to save the AS-register.fsc file to no avail. I also tried reinstalling the previous 9.6-4 version but it did not work as well.