Duo Art Player Piano Manual
This is an unusual model George Steck Duo-Art Reproducing Player Piano. The Duo-Art Reproducing Piano was a specialized type of player piano that played with. DUO-ART Reproducing Piano. This is a feature found only in the Duo-Art.The regular player action is divided between the 43rd & 44th notes. MANUAL CONTROL. Reproducing and Expression Player Piano. With a Themodist 'reproducing' player like the Duo-Art. With both manual or automatic mechanical control. Ps3 Game Controller Problems. The Aeolian Duo-Art recording machinery was. These are fully automated versions of the player piano requiring no human manual control in order to produce the.
Duo-Art Service Manual for Uprights Click PAUSE to STOP the music. 'Danse Macabre played on a Steiway Grand, rebuilt. Geda Grande Dizionario Della Lingua Italiana Iso. Ludo Board Game here. Pages from the Duo-Art Service Manual about the Upright Models To purchase this manual, which also covers the upright and grand piano actions and components only found in the grand reproducing player,.
Here is the list of pages from the Duo-Art Service Manual that relate to the Upright Model. Just click on each link or image to view the full size picture. Close the page that opens to return here. We Gladly Accept These Cards This page was last revised August 31, 2008 by John A.
Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain. Cartoon Graphics by 'Eric Styles' -Click graphic to visit his site 407 19th Ave, Brick, NJ, 08724 Phone Number 732-840-8787 1996-2009 Copyright, Player-Care, 407 19th Ave., Brick, NJ, 08724, Phone Number 1-732-840-8787.