Installshield Deletefile
Deleting Files Not Installed, But Created at Run-Time. 21 March, 2009 By Rod_Maupin 2 Comments. This happens all the time. You write an InstallShield installation. InstallShield Corp. Wrote in message >Hi, >This appears to be an issue with DeleteFile. I am able to reproduce this, >and have submitted a problem report. In your situation, you could use the >'Is' function with the FILE_LOCKED parameter to determine if the.dll file >is running or in use. Hi, I am working with Installshield 12 and I need to figure out a way to move files that our application creates (.ini,.config, etc.) during its use to. How I can delete/uninstall 'INSTALLSHIELD', MACROVISION. Cannot delete:INSTALLSHIELD. Locate the file/folder to be deleted and delete the file/folder.
DeleteDir DeleteDir InstallShield 2012 Spring » InstallScript Language Reference The DeleteDir function deletes a subdirectory. Depending on the value you use in the parameter nFlag, you can delete a subdirectory only if it is empty, delete a subdirectory even if it contains files, or delete an entire root directory. Set nFlag with extreme caution. Note: Note the following restrictions: • You cannot use DeleteDir to delete the current directory. • You cannot delete files on a network system where you lack the appropriate rights. • DeleteDir cannot delete read-only, hidden, or system files.
• If DeleteDir encounters a read-only file, the function can fail after having deleted only some of the files in the subdirectory. Syntax DeleteDir( szDir, nFlag ); Parameters DeleteDir Parameters Parameter Description szDir Specifies the fully qualified name of the directory to delete. NFlag Specifies deletion options. Pass one of the following predefined constants in this parameter: • ALLCONTENTS—Deletes the directory in szDir, including all subdirectories and files beneath it. The directory you are deleting must be a subdirectory and cannot be a root directory of the drive. • ONLYDIR—Deletes the directory in szDir only if it is empty.
Otherwise, the function fails. Mobimb Cracked here. • ROOT—Deletes the directory in szDir even if it is the root directory. If szDir is a root directory, DeleteDir will delete everything on the disk. Return Values DeleteDir Return Values Return Value Description 0 Indicates that the function successfully deleted the subdirectory. Digital Anarchy Flickr Crack Lil more.