Assassin Game Generator
Assassin's Creed: Another One is about a disgraced magician in Saigon, 1962, and their mission is to hide a shitty old pot in a crypt, then send an anonymous letter to the Templars telling them it can summon angels or something. Watch and laugh. Assassin's Creed: Black Ops is about really old Ezio in New Chernobyl, and their mission is to collect a mysterious globe that seems to indicate the existence of a whole new continent.
The Assassin's Creed Plot Generator. You've heard the rumours - there might not be an Assassin's Creed this year. In a world of few certainties, yearly trips to the. What's Your Assassin Name? This is a user-written post. Rum and Monkey isn't responsible for its content. The Anime Name Generator.
Assassin's Creed: Operation Big Twist is about hot young Stalin in underground Vancouver, and their mission is to eject cuff daggers into all the children's eyes. Assassin's Creed: Gauntlet is about Hoobastank Kenway, Connor Kenway's much more chilled-out secret brother, in the environs of Woodstock, 1969, and their mission is to prove that aliens exist, then cull every last one. EDIT: Found another one with Hoobastank Kenway: Assassin's Creed: Illuminatus is about Hoobastank Kenway, Connor Kenway's much more chilled-out secret brother, in Mesopotamia, and their mission is to wait for Hitler to show up, get him blind drunk and shave off his moustache.
Assassin's Creed: Conglomeration is about an astrologer who doesn't realise they have actual psychic powers in Teutonic Germany, and their mission is to prove that aliens exist, then cull every last one. Free Program Dwg File Visio Converter. I'd play it. Edit: Assassin's Creed: Gauntlet is about a wandering ronin in Feudal Japan, and their mission is to make the Uplay platform seem worthwhile. Website Templates Html5 With Css3 Jquery Toggle. Edit2: Assassin's Creed: Illuminatus is about a disgraced magician in Ancient Egypt, and their mission is to set two sides against one another, betray one or both, forget who the good guys were, take a guess, get it wrong, and accidentally become a Duke.
What's this website? This website is a way for anyone in the world to create a game, set it up, and invite people to play with them. All you have to do is fill out a request to create a new game and once it is approved you will be given a 'gamecode' that anyone who wants to join must enter. The website does all of the work for you. It will assign every player a target and you can eliminate your target through the website. Other features include a killfeed which keeps track of all assassinations, a leaderboard, and a rules page.